Practical Law Commercial releases brand new Privacy Impact Assessment Toolkit
Are you kicking-off a new project or initiative? Identifying potential negative privacy risks and relevant control measures from the outset of your project will now be easier with the new Toolkit, Privacy Impact Assessments.
A toolkit to guide users through Practical Law's key content relating to the legal, practical and commercial issues arising in connection to the conduct of a privacy impact assessment (PIA). PIAs are an essential risk management tool for identifying, assessing and managing negative privacy risks connected with any new project or initiative involving the handling of personal information. A PIA assists an organisation to embed privacy compliance into the framework or architecture of a new project in accordance with the principles of privacy by design. This new toolkit links out to Practical Law's comprehensive resources on the core components of PIAs, privacy and data protection risk management in the context of corporate governance and Practical Law's global data privacy and security resources for privacy compliance with international legislative frameworks.
Key PIA resources include:
- Checklist, Performing a privacy impact assessment.
- Standard document, Privacy impact assessment (PIA).
- Standard document, Privacy impact assessment report (PIA Report).
- Standard document, Privacy risk and mitigation strategy table.
- PowerPoint presentation: Performing a privacy impact assessment (Practical Law In-house resource).