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Connect 4 - Enhancements and changes Jul – Dec 2018


The Connect 4 team continue to develop our databases and services and would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to a few recent developments that have taken place.

These changes may assist you in narrowing your search to find exactly what you are looking for, or introduce a whole new avenue of discovery.


New advisor dataset added - Remuneration Consultants and fees (from 2017 onwards)

Data about the remuneration (rem.) consultants used by ASX listed entities as advisors for the remuneration report within annual reports has been added to Boardroom.

The dataset will start from 2017 

Data points collected:

  • 'Rem. Consultant’ – indicated by the rem. consultants’ name, ‘Consultant not named’ (a rem. consultant used but name not provided) or ‘not used’ (no rem. consultant used 2017 or nothing at all disclosed); 'Reports/Surveys' ; 2018 additional data point 'Not disclosed' (AR states no rem consultant used for that year)
  • ‘Rem. Consultant’ fees – any fees charged for advising on the rem. report. If advice was provided but no recommendation made, generally no fee $ amount is released
  • ‘Rem. Consultant note’ – any additional notes e.g. advice for CEO remuneration only

Searching for remuneration consultants:

  • Option 1: Access via the advisor results – after running a search, use the ‘Show all Advisers’ link to show data for all the advisors including Rem. Consultants 
  • Option 2: Rem. Consultant advisor search – a ‘Rem. Consultant’ search field / drop down list is provided along with the existing advisor search fields/drop down lists on the search screen. Either select ‘All’ or an individual advisor name
  • Improved search functionality allows you to "limit output to chosen advisor types" (tick box located in orange bar above advisor section of search screen)
  • Refine search button has been added

Remuneration break down enhanced:

  • New remuneration categories and changes from 2018 data onwards. For a full list of remuneration categories, definitions and the years applied, please go to the ‘Remuneration categories’ link in the ‘Boardroom Standards and Definitions’ section under the ‘Help’ button
  • The 2018 remuneration data/categories will be presented alongside the 2004 – 2017 remuneration data/categories both onscreen and using the ‘Download as a Spreadsheet’ function. No need to do anything different, just use the ‘Show remuneration’ function as previously used

Listing Rule Waivers

New field WLC Waiver number added, this field displays in search results from 2007 onward and appears in any downloaded results.


Additional search filters added:

  • Break fees only. Search results will include "Break fee" amount and and will be followed by TB or BT meaning payable by Target to Bidder (TB) or Bidder to Target (BT). All search results can be downloaded into Excel. For more information see 'defintions' section under 'Help' button in the Takeovers and Mergers product
  • Joint bidder/consortium only - allows the easy identification of deals where the bidder is made up of multiple entities via a joint bid or use of a consortium

GICS codes

Connect 4 has added two new C4 unique breakdowns in relation to the 'GICS code not applicable field' across all our products.

  • GICS code not applicable (EFT) (C4) –  EFT meaning Exchange Traded Funds
  • GICS code not applicable (MF) (C4) – MF meaning Mutal Funds

in addition to:

  • GICS code not applicable (Debt) (C4) which Connect 4 has always offered since Sept 1998

These additional breakdowns will mean that any clients wanting to track companies that were previously indexed in Diversified Financials and then S&P changed to GICS code not applicable will no longer get alerts for mfunds or EFTs, when what they really want is what was Diversified Financials.

Headshort of Wyn Diong
By Wyn Diong
Senior Content Manager

Wyn is an experienced Senior Content Manager in the Analytical Law Team at Thomson Reuters with a long history of working in the information services industry. She holds a Bachelor of Media and a Postgraduate Certificate in TESOL from Macquarie University. In her years with Thomson Reuters, she has worked on multifarious publications in both Primary Law and Secondary Sources and is at present, nurturing multiple subscription services including Uniform Evidence Law, Indictable Offences Queensland and Victorian Courts. She is the (co)author of numerous articles on Legal Insight covering a diverse range of topics. Prior to joining Thomson Reuters, she worked for Pan Macmillan Australia at the Macquarie Dictionary and taught English as a Second Language and Academic English at Macquarie University.