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Search all journals content (Articles & Abstracts) simultaneously

Full text journals were released in May 2009 on Legal Online. You can now search all journals content (full-text articles and abastracts from the Australian Legal Journals Index (ALJI)), simultaneously from a single search form. You can browse for an article by journal volume and part, or by ALJI keyword.

We have also redesigned our hitlist to make it easier to use by combining multiple full text and abstracts hits for the same article into a single result.

Additional features include deep linking capability, saved searches and RSS feeds.

Janina Leuii
By Janina Leuii

Janina Leuii is the Director, Customer Training AEM. She has over 20+ years of Training & Product Management experience with Thomson Reuters Online Services. Janina heads up our highly motivated and experienced Training Specialist Team in Asia and Emerging Markets.