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The Laws of Australia re-launch of Interpretation title

The Laws of Australia (TLA) is re-launching Title 25 “Interpretation” in early 2011. We are excited to announce the new author team working on this project.

Professor Cheryl Saunders AO: Title Editor

Professor Saunders will be leading the re-launch of “Interpretation” as Title Editor. In this role, she will mentor the authors during the writing stage, and will then extensively review the submitted material at various times in the editorial process. A longstanding contributor to TLA, Professor Saunders has been Title Editor of the “Government” Title since 1992. Professor Saunders is a laureate professor and holds a personal chair in law at Melbourne University and has specialist interests in constitutional law and comparative public law.

Perry Herzfeld: 25.1 “Australian Domestic Laws” and 25.4 “Judicial Holdings”

Perry Herzfeld is a Barrister at the Victorian Bar and was Associate to the Hon Justice Crennan of the High Court of Australia during 2008-2009.  Prior to that, he was a Solicitor at Allens Arthur Robinson.  Perry holds a First Class Honours law degree from the University of Melbourne and is also a reporter for the Commonwealth Law Reports.

 Dr Stephen Tully: 25.2 “International Law”

Dr Stephen Tully is a Legal Officer at the Migration Review Tribunal & Refugee Review Tribunal and a TLA updating author of several Subtitles in the “Environment & Natural Resources” and “Human Rights” Titles. Dr Tully achieved his PhD at The London School of Economics and Political Science and is widely published in the area of international law.

 Thomas Prince: 25.3 “Private Law”

Thomas Prince is a Solicitor at Allens Arthur Robinson and was Associate to the Hon Justice Heydon, and then the Hon Justice Bell, of the High Court of Australia. Thomas holds the degrees of LLB with First Class Honours and the University Medal (2008) and BSc with First Class Honours and the University Medal in Statistics (2006) from the University of Sydney. In 2009, Thomas was a Menzies Memorial Scholar in Law and completed his Master of Laws degree at University College, London in 2010.

By Susan Quinn

Susan Quinn is the Commissioning Manager for The Laws of Australia.