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The Laws of Australia - New Title Editors for Title 5 “Civil Procedure”

The Laws of Australia welcomes Associate Professor Sheryl Jackson and Chris George as the new Title Editors for Civil Procedure.

Associate Professor Jackson is based at the Queensland University of Technology, having taught in the field of civil procedure for many years. She also has a background in practice, particularly in the areas of commercial litigation, intellectual property law and taxation law and her primary research interest is the area of civil litigation. Associate Professor Jackson has also authored and co-authored several civil procedure texts and papers.

Chris George is a Barrister at the Queensland Bar. Prior to joining the Bar, Chris was an Associate at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers where he practised litigation in a wide range of legal areas. Chris holds a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from QUT. He is a sessional academic at QUT where he teaches Civil Procedure, Evidence and Advocacy.

The appointment of Associate Professor Jackson and Chris George follows the resignation of Associate Professor Bernard Cairns, former Title Editor of Civil Procedure and a longstanding TLA contributor and supporter.

The TLA team extends our gratitude to Associate Professor Cairns for all of his hard work and commitment to the service.

By Susan Quinn

Susan Quinn is the Commissioning Manager for The Laws of Australia.