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Local Government Law Journal - New General Editors

Thomson Reuters are pleased to welcome John Mant and Mary-Lynne Taylor to the Local Government Law Journal as the new General Editors.

John and Mary-Lynne will be taking over from Stefani White, who has stepped down due to other time commitments.  Stefani has been General Editor since the Journal began in 1995 and has consistently ensured the publication of high quality content in the Journal.  While we are sad to see Stefani go, we are pleased she is handing over the baton to the likes of John Mant and Mary-Lynne Taylor.

John Mant is an urban planning consultant who has worked in the field of local government and planning law for many years. John has previously been an advisor to Labor Minister Tom Uren in the Whitlam era, Acting Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in the 90s and is responsible for rewriting the NSW Local Government Act. He has also developed the planning guidelines known as place management and parcel formatting and has worked on the international stage in relation to local government and planning laws.

Mary-Lynne Taylor is a Consultant at Bartier Perry. She is an Accredited Specialist in local government and town planning and has over 30 years’ experience in the field. She has advised major local government authorities, developers and building owners, land professionals and town planners and is a recognised authority in the town planning area.  As Adjunct Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Sydney she lectures on planning law and heritage conservation. She has played an active role on a variety of planning panels, including the Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels and the Joint Regional Planning Panels and has had a seat on the Heritage Council of NSW.

Together John and Mary-Lynne will be working to continue the high standards of publication maintained by Stefani White, while adding their own unique touches to the publication.

Tom Heaton
By Tom Heaton
Manager, Westlaw Product Management

Tom Heaton is a Manager at Thomson Reuters. He has over 20 years experience in information technology and legal publishing. His focus is on Website usability and everything online.