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Trade Practices Law - Competition & Consumer Law - New Chapters

Fourteen  new commentary chapters have been added to the service:

  1. Consumer Guarantees (ACL, Ss 51- 68)
  2. Unsolicited Consumer Agreements (ACL Ss 69 - 95)
  3. Lay-by Agreements (ACL Ss 96 -103)
  4. Safety of consumer goods/product related services and information standards (ACLSs 104 -137)
  5. Liability of manufacturers for goods with safety defects (ACL Ss 138 – 150)
  6. Offences (ACL Ss 151 -217)
  7. Enforcement (ACL Ss 218 -223)
  8. Remedies –General (Ss 224 -250)
  9. Remedies –Guarantees (Ss 259 – 277)
  10. Liability of suppliers and linked credit providors (Ss 278 -287)
  11. Conference for proposed bans and recall notices (ACL Ss 132 -132K)
  12. Enforcement sections (ACL Ss 133 -133J)
  13. Infringement notices (ACL Ss 134 -134G)
  14. Search,seizure and entry (ACL Ss 135 -136B)

2011 will see ongoing development of the new commentary within the updating program, while relevant Bills, reports and discussion papers will be added to the New Developments.

The online and looseleaf service continues as the indispensable work for those practising in, or needing to understand the complexities of, Australia’s Competition and Consumer Law.

Tom Heaton
By Tom Heaton
Manager, Westlaw Product Management

Tom Heaton is a Manager at Thomson Reuters. He has over 20 years experience in information technology and legal publishing. His focus is on Website usability and everything online.