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Australian Bankruptcy Law & Practice: new commentary on "sham" transactions

Update 154 (October 2012) of Australian Bankruptcy Law & Practice contains extensive new commentary on "sham" transactions. The commentary has been written by Paul McQuade, and includes:

  • the definition of a sham;
  • the intention of the parties;
  • trusts;
  • ascertainment of intention; and
  • examples.

 Under the examples subheading, extensive case notes have been written on the following cases:

  • Snook v London & West Riding Investments Ltd [1967] 2 QB 786; [1967] 1 All ER 518;
  • Donnelly v Edelston (1994) 49 FCR 384, 121 ALR 333; 13 ACSR 196;
  • Sharrment Pty Ltd v Offıcial Trustee in Bankruptcy (1988) 18 FCR 449; 82 ALR 530;
  • Sellers v One Step Plumbing & Concrete Pty Ltd (2002) 190 ALR 716; [2002] FCA 478;
  • Polimeni v Villacam Pty Ltd [2003] VSC 86;
  • Anscor Pty Ltd v Clout (2004) 135 FCR 469; 1 ABC(NS) 558; [2004] FCAFC 71;
  • Raftland Pty Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2008) 238 CLR 516;
  • Pierce & D’Cruz and PIERCE & T [2010] FamCAFC 99; and
  • Atia v Nusbaum [2011] QSC 044.

Australian Bankruptcy Law & Practice is available online and as a looseleaf publication.


By vickiema

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