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Plumbing Code of Australia available in National Building, Qld Building & Building NSW services

New feature! The Plumbing Code of Australia has been added to the service, current to 2014. It has been added to provide our customers with a complete collection of the National Construction Code Series and allows the customers to access all the information needed in just two Volumes.

The Plumbing Code is set out as follows:

  • Section A General Provisions, at [PC-100];
  • Section B Water Services, at [PC-600];
  • Section C Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage Systems, at [PC-1500];
  • Section D Stormwater Drainage Systems, at [PC-1900];
  • Section E Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning, at [PC-2300];
  • Section F On-site Wastewater Systems, at [PC-2500];
  • Section G Materials and Products Certification and Authorisation, at [PC-2900];
  • State and Territory Additions, at [PC-3000]; and
  • PCA Index.
By patriciamowad

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