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Practical Law Australia

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15 February 2023 12:45PM
Content updates

Anti-bribery and corruption in the spotlight

Is your anti-bribery and corruption compliance program up to scratch? Check out our refreshed and brand new anti-bribery and corruption resources.

06 December 2022 07:13PM
Content updates

Secure Jobs Better Pay Bill

After securing a deal in the Senate, the federal Government has passed the largest suite of reforms to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act)

13 October 2022 03:57PM
Content updates

Does your transaction require FIRB consent?

Australia's foreign investment regime can be difficult to navigate, but Practical Law has resources to help quickly identify whether your deal needs the Treasurer's consent.

30 September 2022 09:51AM
Content updates

Audit and risk committee - new resources!

New audit and risk committee resources include best practice template charters, board resolutions and self-evaluation resources for the effective corporate governance of audit and risk committees.

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