At the end of the session participants will know how to:
- Access and login to Westlaw from LEAP
- Confidently navigate the Westlaw home page
- Find which products are included in the LEAP subscription Core Package
- Use the global search bar to:
- Find a case, legislation, or a product (database)
- Use Law Summaries to suggest answers to commonly asked legal questions
- Understand natural legal language searching
- Structure a Boolean keyword search
- Navigate the search results overview page
- Set up an alert
- Display, download, print, or email a document
- Export documents or a result list to a LEAP matter
- Browse content to access documents or limit searches
- Customise user settings
MCLE and CPD - If this educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law then you may claim one "unit" for each hour of attendance.