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Westlaw AU Tip - What is FirstPoint Verified?

FirstPoint, powered by the Australian Digest, saves you research time by filtering and presenting significant cases and legislation relationships. The significant cases and legislation deemed most relevant (by our team of  inhouse legal editors) are labelled FirstPoint Verified.

Step 1: Log onto Westlaw AU.

Step 2: From the homepage, conduct a search selecting Cases as the content type.

content type - cases 








 Step 3:  To open FirstPoint, choose a case from the search results and click on the FirstPoint link.  This will take you to the FirstPoint tab at document level.

FirstPoint hyperlink








 Step 4: Scroll down the page to the Citing References.

Step 5: The FirstPoint Verified icon will be displayed indicating significant cases and legislation.  All other case and legislation results deemed as less significant and less relevant are displayed in the “other” field.  This new feature enables you to review all cited documents.

firstpoint verified 5 










Step 6: You can select to view the list of FirstPoint Verified information only by clicking on the “Show Only FirstPoint Verified citatory information” box.

firstpoint verified 2














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By Marion Randall

Marion is a Specialist Trainer for Tax and Accounting and joined Thomson Reuters in 2012. She has over 15 years experience as a trainer and legal researcher. Marion provides national training for Checkpoint.

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