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Connect 4 - Enhancements and Changes Jan – Jun 2017


The Connect 4 team continue to develop our databases and services and would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to a few recent developments that have taken place.

These changes may assist you in narrowing your search to find exactly what you are looking for, or introduce a whole new avenue of discovery.


Enhanced searching – Simply choose all in the people section and combine with a surname and in one search track all of the board and executive positions held by an individual and disclosed in the annual reports across years from 2004 to the present. This result can be displayed then be downloaded into Excel and sorted as required.

Results can then be presorted on screen by changing the Sort by option at the bottom of the search screen to people’s name from the default of company name.

Clients still can filter searches using the directors only and executives only search options. Surname list now supports stem searching making the process of isolating a particular person much quicker.

Company Announcements

Company name searching has been enhanced to allow clients to search in same way as ASX code searching. When you choose a company name(s) from the company name drop down list the search result will return any company names that are associated with the company name(s) you have chosen both predecessors and successors in the one search.
NOTE:  Search result is dependent on date range chosen, if you leave the date as default range then all predecessors and successors will appear.

The ability to search on just one company name has been retained for those clients that prefer this approach with the introduction of a tick box that allows you to exclude associated companies from your search.
Documents products

Connect 4 is undertaking an conversion project whereby all of the older Word .doc files are being converted to .docx files. Currently we have converted  Word docs from 1992 – 2007 for the Annual reports product, Word docs from 1994 - 2007 for the Prospectus product and Word docs from 1997 - 2015 for the Bidder & Target Statements product.

We will continue with this conversion project over the next 6-12 months so that all of the .doc files in the three documents products (Annual Reports, Prospectuses and Bidder & Target Statements) will be converted.

Bidders & Target Statements

Connect 4 has released new and updated version of the Bidders & Target Statements product. The Bidder & Target Statements product contains Word and html versions of Bidder & Target Statements including any supplementary statements lodged with the ASX, providing free text searching across a range of years and statements.

Enhancements include:

  1. Limit to search filters designed to assist clients to more readily filter searches and locate specific information.
  2. Ability to tag the word and PDF formats for quick viewing or download
  3. Enhanced searching using either free text and/or structured searches (Target Companies, Limit search to filters; GICS codes, Years), allowing the broadening or narrowing of the search results as required.

Takeovers & Mergers database

Enhancements to the Takeovers & Mergers database include:

  1. New enhanced help containing overview of the database.
  2. Searching guidelines.
  3. How to use the Report Writer button to expand your search result list.
  4. New Definitions section, with includes both field definition and where applicable formulas used in relation to that field. (RW) indicates that this field can be applied to a search result using the Report Writer button.
  5. New section featuring FAQ’s and searching tips.

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By Wyn Diong