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Westlaw AU - Getting Started

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This session demonstrates the basic functionality of Westlaw AU, enabling the new or infrequent user to navigate and research effectively

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Westlaw AU-Setting Alerts

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This session will demonstrate how Alerts can be set up to keep the researcher informed if there are any updates to a Search, Product or an Individual Document (eg. A Case)


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Westlaw AU-Getting the most out of First Point

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This session provides an overview of FirstPoint and explains the classification system (powered by the Australian Digest).  It will also provide skills to use FirstPoint effectively in Case Law research.


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Westlaw AU - Using Terms & Connectors

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

Arial;color:#666767">This session will guide the researcher to use appropriate Terms and Connectors (Boolean Operators), to deliver relevant results when performing a search

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Westlaw AU - Getting Started

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This session demonstrates the basic functionality of Westlaw AU,  enabling the new or infrequent user to navigate and research effectively.

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Westlaw AU - Advanced Features

20 - 30 minutes
By Tia Friedland

This session will demonstrate the Advanced features on Westlaw AU, which include: Setting Alerts, Annotating Documents, Creating Quick Links (Favourites), Using Folders and to Personalise Settings


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