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Alert24 Linking to Full Text Cases


We have enhanced Alert24 articles on New Westlaw to include links to the full text of the case being alerted on.

Linking is specific to the relevant case and does not include inline linking in the body of the article to other primary law references.

Once you have reviewed the court provided information and assessed the relevance of the case, you can click on "View the case on New Westlaw" to access the full text of the case.

Note: This linking will be present for articles from February 2023 onward. Pre February 2023 articles will not include these links.

For pre February articles, the quickest way to access a case is to copy and paste the citation into the Westlaw search box and click enter. Westlaw will take you straight to the case.

Tom Heaton
By Tom Heaton
Manager, Westlaw Product Management

Tom Heaton is a Manager at Thomson Reuters. He has over 20 years experience in information technology and legal publishing. His focus is on Website usability and everything online.

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