Corporations Legislation 2025 now available with significant additions to key section annotations
Annotations to key sections of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) have been updated by the authors, former ASIC Senior Manager Kerry Abadee, Professor Jason Harris of Sydney University, and Barristers-at-Law, Karen Petch and Alexandra Pieniazek.
Since the publication of the 2024 edition, they have revised the annotations to include citations and discussion of 80 judgments from Federal Court, State Supreme Courts, Courts of Appeal, the High Court of Australia and the Australian Takeovers Panel handed down in 2024.
Annotations have been developed for additional key sections of Corporations Act 2001 (Cth):
- s 9AD Meaning of officer
- s 423 Supervision of controller
- s 553B Insolvent companies – penalties and fines not generally provable
- s 553E Application of Bankruptcy Act to winding up of insolvent company
- s 761G Meaning of retail client and wholesale client
- s 1317S Relief from liability for contravention of civil penalty provision,
plus the inclusion of annotations on the definition of “transaction” in s 9.
The insertion of annotations about these sections reflects their prevalence in litigation in matters relating to corporations in Australian courts. This is part of the ongoing review undertaken by the expert authors. Readers will benefit from recently developed commentary on the interpretation of these provisions.
Professor Harris provides an introductory year in review of key judgments, legislative developments and ASIC enforcement actions in 2024.
The legislation includes amendments to the Corporations Act and Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) that took effect during 2024 and cross-references to other legislation, ASIC materials and Takeovers Panel Guidance Notes where relevant.

Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProViewTM.
The Corporations Law Practice Area on Westlaw includes various services including curated commentary and annotated legislation. Authors are recognised experts in their respective fields. To subscribe to the Corporations Law Practice Area on Westlaw, contact Thomson Reuters.