New specialist authors join team for Robson’s Annotated Corporations Legislation for key chapters
Juliette Overland
Juliette Overland is Associate Professor at the University of Sydney Business School. Juliette has extensive practical experience as a corporate lawyer, having worked in leading Australian law firms and as the Australian legal counsel for a global technology company. She is well known for her work on corporate crime, corporate governance, and corporate law, and she is recognised as a leading authority on the regulation of insider trading, having published widely in this area.
Juliette’s revised annotations to Chapter 6D were published in the September 2023 update of Robson’s Annotated Corporations Legislation.
Michael Legg
Michael Legg is a Professor in the Faculty of Law & Justice at the University of New South Wales. He specialises in complex civil litigation, including regulatory litigation and class actions. He is the author Public and Private Enforcement of Securities Laws - The Regulator and the Class Action in Australia’s Continuous Disclosure Regime, published by Hart (2022) and co-author of Corporate Misconduct and White-Collar Crime in Australia (Thomson Reuters, 2022). He is admitted to practice in Australia (NSW) and the United States (New York Bar). Michael is a member of the Australian Academy of Law and the Law Council of Australia's Class Actions Committee.
Michael’s revised annotations to Chapter 6CA were published in the October 2023 update, including the addition of annotations for ss 674A (Continuous disclosure – listed disclosing entity bound by a disclosure requirement in the market listing rules – knowledge, recklessness or negligence) and 678 (Application of Criminal Code to offences based on subsection 674(2), 674(5) or 675(2)).
This update to Chapter 6CA significantly revises the annotations to reflect amendments to the continuous disclosure regime brought about by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No 1) Act 2021 (Cth) which introduced a fault element to the civil penalty provisions.

In Robson's Annotated Corporations Legislation, detailed annotations accompany the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Commentary from expert specialist lawyers working with, and analysing, the law considers how provisions and wording have been interpreted by the courts under the current Act and its forerunners, in a range of contexts. This depth and range is essential in practice for Australia’s corporations legislation is particularly complex in its wording and in its interpretation.
Available formats: online, looseleaf, ProView eSub
The Corporations Law Practice Area on Westlaw includes various services including curated commentary and annotated legislation. Authors are recognised experts in their respective fields. To subscribe to the Corporations Law Practice Area on Westlaw, contact Thomson Reuters.