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Keep up to date with changes in case law, legislation/bills, legal news and policy releases with Alert24 alerts or Weekly Tax Bulletin, Weekly Tax News, Super & Financial Services News and GST News.
This video shows how to create a publication alert so you can be notified when new issues of journals, law reports and bulletins are published.
This video demonstrates how to create a WestClip alert based on your search results.
This video demonstrates how to set up a KeyCite alert so you can be notified if the status of a case changes.
This video demonstrates how to use, search, and navigate the practice area pages in new Westlaw Australia.
Natural language searching allows you to search for content by asking a question or typing in a sentence that describes the information you are looking for.
This video describes KeyCite flags and how they can help you determine the validity of a case.
This video shows how to browse and search the Key Number system to find cases that have significant consideration of a point of law or legal topic.
This video demonstrates how to use Boolean Terms and Connectors.
Learn how to search Westlaw Australia using advanced search templates for cases, legislation and secondary sources.
This video shows how to find a case using a party name or title.
This video demonstrates how to find a case by citation.