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Indictable Offences Queensland - an editorial perspective

The official launch of Butler and Holt's Indictable Offences Queensland was held at the Queensland Bar Association on 21st October 2016.

As the Editorial Team it was a first and a privilege for us to attend a product launch. It has been an absolute pleasure to work on this product from its inception to release over the past year. We are both excited to continue the updating process in conjunction with the exceptional and specialist authoring team: General Editors – District Court Judge Brendan Butler and Saul Holt QC, and Contributors – Mark McCarthy, Ben Power, Ben Dighton, Paula Morreau and Neville Weston.

Indictable Offences Queensland is a two-volume service written by practitioners for practitioners with annotations to the core criminal legislation of Queensland. The focus of the service is the Queensland Criminal Code which is contained in one go-to-court volume along with the Criminal Practice Rules.

A significant editorial highlight was working on the thematic overview, which is designed as a quick-reference tool to easily navigate to different themes throughout the service. Its purpose is to provide simple navigation to targeted legal concepts and associated annotations. The thematic overview is a particularly useful tool on Thomson Reuters Westlaw AU and ProView platforms, reducing the amount of scrolling and click-throughs required to locate theme-based information quickly. The looseleaf version is broken into succinct chapters divided by titled tabcards for easy navigation.

To provide customers with increased sources of research and expanded annotations, cross-references to related Thomson Reuters products are populated throughout the service, including Mackenzie and Tucker's Summary Offences Queensland, Queensland Sentencing Manual and Evidence Law in Queensland, 11th edition. We find these linking capabilities provide a wealth of information to enhance the user experience and expediency of the product.

From the Editorial Team we would like to thank the General Editors and Contributing Authors for their dedication and ongoing efforts in crafting such a specialist, succinct and valuable practitioner resource in Indictable Offences Queensland. We look forward to continuing to work closely with them on developing the future direction of this practical and procedural solutions product.

Kate McManus (Product Editor) and Catherine Yan (Content Editor)

By Kate McManus
Publishing Co-ordinator

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