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Meet the FirstPointers

Behind every great product is a great team of people. Our flagship case law research product, FirstPoint, is no different. We have a team of 20 legally-qualified legal editors who work through more than 15,000 cases per year. They create thousands of case relationships, litigation histories and digest notes. They also classify all cases to the comprehensive and well-respected Australian Digest classification scheme, and select and verify significant judicial references – giving them the FirstPoint Verified treatment.

We thought you might like to meet some of our local Legal Team. Pictured below are some of our editors based in Pyrmont, near Darling Harbour, in Sydney. Not pictured are some of our other legal editors who work from regional NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

Our editors come from a range of legal backgrounds, with varying legal specialties and interests. Some of our editors have worked for many years in general practice in small or large law firms. Others have worked as tipstaves to judges, criminal prosecutors or academics. No matter their background, all our editors share one vision – to use their legal knowledge to make FirstPoint the most accurate and up-to-date online legal research tool available.

FirstPoint Team

By Tim Pollard

General Manager of the Australian Legal Portfolio at Thomson Reuters Legal

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