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New "Cross-Border Insolvency" Subtitle published in The Laws of Australia

Thomson Reuters is pleased to announce the publication of a brand-new “Cross-Border Insolvency” subtitle in The Laws of Australia.

In the past, we have touched on this subject under Private International Law. However, in recognition of the increased importance of this area of law, we have released new material, located in the Bankruptcy Title, to expand our coverage.

The new subtitle 3.19 focuses on the effect of the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, enacted into Australian law by the Cross-Border Insolvency Act 2008 (Cth).

The subtitle describes the mechanisms and processes for conducting cross-border bankruptcy litigation (where a plaintiff seeks to enforce a bankruptcy claim on a person in another country, who would not normally fall under the plaintiff’s home court jurisdiction).

It also looks at the exceptions and exemptions to the Model Law and considers the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Court in bankruptcy matters involving individuals.

The new subtitle was authored by Dr Ben McEniery of the Queensland Bar. Ben is a regular author for The Laws of Australia, and has updated a wide range subtitles on Bankrutpcy and Property Law.

We hope our subscribers find this new content a useful addition to the Encylopaedia. In the coming months we will also be publishing new subtitles on “Internet Law”, “Terrorism Offences”, and “Animal Law”.

If you have feedback on other areas that we could cover in The Laws of Australia, please don’t hesitate to contact Rachael Lane, Product Manager.

Increased Coverage

Rachael Lane
By Rachael Lane

Rachael is a Training Specialist for NSW law firms, in-house counsel and barristers. Rachael trains on Westlaw AU, new Westlaw, Practical Law and Thomson Reuters international platforms and is focused on empowering customers to get the most out of their legal research and technology solutions.

Rachael has held a range of product and commercial management roles at Thomson Reuters including with Laws of Australia, Journals, commentary services, ProView and Practical Law Australia.

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