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Uniform Evidence Law adds new Northern Territory evidence suite

The Northern Territory's new evidence laws have been added to the Uniform Evidence Law subscription service.

The new laws consist of the principal Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2011 and Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Regulations, which both commenced on 1 January 2013. Also available in the service's "Related Legislation" section, are the original Evidence Act and Evidence Regulations, as well as the Sexual Offences (Evidence and Procedure) Act, which all still remain in force.

Subscribers can access the legislation here, along with comparative tables outlining the differences between the Northern Territory and Commonwealth legislation.

The Northern Territory is the sixth jurisdiction to sign up to the Commonwealth's uniform evidence legislation, following New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory, and Norfolk Island. Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia are still yet to adopt the national model.

For details on how to subscribe to Uniform Evidence Law  in either looseleaf, online or Proview formats, click here. To purchase the latest edition of Stephen Odgers' book, click here.

By Gregory Sarlas

Gregory Sarlas is a Product Manager at Thomson Reuters. He is responsible for Thomson Reuters' Cases and Criminal Law portfolio.

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