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Westlaw Precision Australia

Thomson Reuters Training & Support

Westlaw Precision Australia - Precision features

This 30-minute session will outline the new functionality features available in Westlaw Precision Australia designed to improve research efficiency. NOTE: This webinar does not discuss the AI-Assisted Research tool.  More course dates.

Jacqueline De Lacy
Date & Time
Mon 16 Sep 2024, 3:00pm
Mon 16 Sep 2024, 3:30pm
30 minutes

In this session we will cover the following: 

  • Learn how to customise the homepage using the Get Started Bar 
  • Determine the relevance of a document using Search Snippets and Select Highlighting 
  • (without navigating to the full text of the document). 
  • Learn how to sort search results by Most Cited and Citing References. 
  • Identify related cases that have a pattern of being cited together using KeyCite Cited With. 
  • Learn how to save or hide cases using Keep List / Hide Details when reviewing results.   
  • Build outlines without leaving Westlaw Precision using Outline Builder.