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International Law
Can we pre-load Client ID’s for users to select from in a drop down instead of each user having to enter them in individually?
Client ID’s cannot be pre-loaded, but any client ID entered is saved and can be selected using a drop-down when singing on or when creating an alert. An ID only needs to be entered once. Admins will see all client ID’s used across the firm.
Can you enter multiple sources into the NewsRoom advanced search form?
Yes, you can enter multiple sources with AND or OR operators.
How do we create integrated solutions like deep links into databases, documents, and search box's in intranets?
Select the Tools tab from the homepage and click Portal Manager. You can then select from Find & Print, Search, Content Links or Party Name. Note: You must have logged on with a Username and Password to access the Portal manager. If you are an IP...
How can resources be found by database name?
There are 3 different methods for locating a database.
- Global Search - Go to homepage and type in the database name or identifier e.g. AMJUR or American Jurisprudence.
- My Content - Go to homepage click the Tools tab then select My Content. Search...
What is the maximum number of citations you can enter into the global search box?
The character limit is 600 characters which is likely to equate to around 20 citations. You can use the find and print function to retrieve up to 100 citations.
Can you share a Custom Page with colleagues?
Yes. Use the “Manage Page” drop down menu on the custom page to "email copy" to another user. Note: you and the recipient must have OnePass access.
How can I see a list of the content that we subscribe to?
Click on Tools from the homepage then select "My Content" for a list of content your organisation subscribes to.
Do scope icons still exist in Westlaw Classic?
Yes, they are available from various jurisdiction and content pages.