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14 December 2023 02:04PM
Content updates

Latest updates to Patent Law in Australia

The latest Patent Law in Australia online service release covers discussions of the following cases: UbiPark Pty Ltd v TMA Capital Australia Pty Ltd (No 2) [2023] FCA 885; MMD Design and Consultancy Limited v Camco Engineering Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 827; Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health...

13 September 2023 02:34PM
Content updates

RBA reform agenda – “fit for the future”

Given the departure of Governor Philip Lowe and the commencement of the term of the first woman to head the RBA, Michelle Bullock, it is timely to look at her reform agenda.

17 August 2023 10:20AM
Content updates

Latest updates to Patent Law in Australia

The August Patent Law in Australia online service release covers discussions of the following cases: ToolGen Inc v Fisher (No 2) [2023] FCA 794; Vehicle Monitoring Systems Pty Ltd v SARB Management Group Pty Ltd (t/as Database Consultants Australia) (No 8) [2023] FCA 182; Commonwealth...

09 June 2023 11:45AM
Content updates

Latest updates to Patent Law in Australia

The June Patent Law in Australia online service release covers discussions of the following cases: Nufarm Australia Ltd v Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 109; Calix Ltd v Grenof Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 378; Re Diogenes Ltd [2023] APO 5; Uon Pty Ltd v Berkshire Renewable Energy Pty Ltd...

16 May 2023 02:00PM
Content updates

Journal Updates

Australian Intellectual Property Journal update: Vol 33 Pt 3 - Special Issue IP After AI Part 2

09 February 2023 02:00PM
Content updates

Latest updates to Patent Law in Australia

The February Patent Law in Australia online service release covers discussions of the following notable cases: Pharmacia LLC v Juno Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd (2022) 168 IPR 431; [2022] FCAFC 167, TCT Group Pty Ltd v Polaris IP Pty Ltd [2022] FCA 1493, Australian Mud Company Pty Ltd v...

19 January 2023 02:00PM
Author updates

Retirement of Tony Lee from the editorship of The Law of Trusts

Tony Lee's retirement from Ford & Lee: The Law of Trusts draws a line under a career that encompasses more than 50 years of writing on trusts and succession law, and making major contributions to law reform, writes his long-time co-editor Emeritus Professor Michael Bryan.

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