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Carbon Central has had a facelift

Check out the new-look Carbon Central community site. Since 2008, Carbon Central has been a place where players big and small in the carbon industry have been able to come to gather information, swap stories and advertise their wares to others in the game. After a period of inactivity in the carbon space, the recent announcement that a price on carbon will be legislated by 1 July 2012 should provide plenty of incentive for many more people to become involved. Carbon Central will provide information on the progress of this legislation along with professionally written articles to help keep abreast of what's happening domestically, and will be somewhere where everyone can have their say on the issues surrounding a carbon price and an emissions trading scheme.

By Justin Eley

Justin is a product manager at Thomson Reuters, dealing with a portfolio covering Environment, Human Resources and Industrial Relations, OH&S, Risk, Advertising and Insurance.