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Federal Court Reports: New cases selected for reporting

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Editor Victor Kline has selected the following cases for reporting in the Federal Court Reports – the essential, authorised reports of the Federal Court of Australia. These cases will be published in upcoming parts. Each reported case will include a detailed headnote highlighting the key issues and decision in the case.

April 2024

Helensburgh Coal Pty Ltd v Bartley [2024] FCAFC 45 (Katzmann, Snaden and Raper JJ; 5/04/2024)

Tigers Realm Coal Ltd v Commonwealth [2024] FCA 340 (Kennett J; 9/04/2024)

Gomeroi People v Santos NSW Pty Ltd (No 2) [2024] FCAFC 49 (Mortimer CJ, Rangiah and O'Bryan JJ; 12/04/2024)

Selkirk v Wyatt [2024] FCAFC 48 (Besanko, Anderson and O'Sullivan JJ; 15/04/2024)

March 2024

Stern v FCT [2024] FCAFC 21 (Thawley, Hespe and Horan JJ; 1/03/24)

Gomeroi People v Santos NSW Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 26 (Mortimer CJ, Rangiah and O'Bryan JJ; 6/03/2024)

DKY22 v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 24 (Sarah C Derrington, Goodman and Raper JJ; 7/03/2024)

Minerva Financial Group Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 28 (Besanko, Colvin and Hespe JJ; 8/03/2024)

Singapore Telecom Australia Investments Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 29 (Wigney, Banks-Smith and Colvin JJ; 8/03/2024)

MHA v BRO18 [2024] FCAFC 27 (Bromwich, Derrington and Snaden JJ; 8/03/2024)

Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 33 (Derrington, Downes and Hespe JJ; 15/03/2024)

Secretary, Department of Social Services v Vader [2024] FCAFC 37 (Perry, Charlesworth and Jackson JJ; 18/03/2024)

MICMA v MZAPC [2024] FCAFC 34 (Sarah C Derrington, Colvin and Jackson JJ; 18/03/2024)

Konebada Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 42 (Perram, Abraham and Button JJ; 20/03/2024)

DXG17 v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 41 (Beach, Wheelahan and O'Bryan JJ; 21/03/2024)

February 2024

Comcare v Friend [2024] FCAFC 4 (Rangiah, Wheelahan and Goodman JJ; 1/02/2024)

CIP Group Pty Ltd v Watters [2024] FCAFC 5 (Halley, Goodman and McElwaine JJ; 7/02/2024)

RB (Hygiene Home) Australia Pty Ltd v Henkel Australia Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 10 (Nicholas, Burley and Hespe JJ; 16/02/2024)

CEU22 v MHA [2024] FCAFC 11 (Wigney, Thawley and Wheelahan JJ; 16/02/2024)

MICMSMA v Nuuamoa [2024] FCAFC 13 (Bromwich, Wheelahan and Button JJ; 21/02/2024)

Provide Nominees Pty Ltd v ASIC [2024] FCAFC 25 (Lee, Anderson and McElwaine JJ; 22/02/2024)

Medibank Private Ltd v Australian Information Commissioner [2024] FCA 117 (Beach J; 22/02/2024)

Ridge Estate Pty Ltd v Fairfield Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 17 (Banks-Smith, O'Sullivan and Feutrill JJ; 23/02/2024)

Redbubble Ltd v Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation (Australia) Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 15 (Perram, Nicholas, Burley, Rofe and Downes JJ; 23/02/2024)

Reid v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 16  (O'Bryan, Abraham and Shariff JJ; 29/02/2024)

J Hutchinson Pty Ltd v ACCC [2024] FCAFC 18 (Wigney, Bromwich and Anderson JJ; 29/02/2024)

January 2024

CFMMEU v FWO (Cross River Rail Appeal) [2024] FCAFC 1 (Halley, Goodman and McElwaine JJ; 29/01/2024)

December 2023

HBMH v Commonwealth [2023] FCA 1527 (Jackson J; 4/12/2023)

October 2023

Russell v Australian Broadcasting Corporation (No 3) [2023] FCA 1223 (Lee J; 16/10/2023)

Scarati v Republic of Italy [2023] FCA 1264 (Thomas J; 20/10/2023)

By Law Reports Alerts

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