Federal Court Reports: New cases selected for reporting
June 2024
Secretary, Department of Health and Aged Care v M House Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 71 (O'Callaghan, Snaden and McElwaine JJ; 5/06/2024)
MICMA v Su [2024] FCAFC 68 (Wheelahan, Cheeseman and Hespe JJ; 5/06/2024)
CCU21 v Minister for Home Affairs (Peremptory Mandamus) [2024] FCAFC 69 (Perram, Halley and Goodman JJ; 6/06/2024)
DXF22 v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 75 (Wigney, Hespe and Kennett JJ; 7/06/2024)
Warren v Chief Executive Officer, Services Australia [2024] FCAFC 73 (Katzmann, McElwaine and Kennett JJ; 7/06/2024)
Nguyen v Australian Financial Complaints Authority [2024] FCAFC 77 (Snaden, McElwaine and Meagher JJ; 13/06/2024)
FCT v Michael John Hayes Trading Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 80 (Bromwich, Thawley and Hespe JJ; 14/06/2024)
Tatla v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 78 (Markovic, Derrington and Neskovcin JJ; 18/06/2024)
Save the Children Australia v Minister for Home Affairs [2024] FCAFC 81 (Mortimer CJ, Kennett and Horan JJ; 18/06/2024)
May 2024
Galactic Seven Eleven Litigation Holdings LLC v Davaria [2024] FCAFC 54 (Murphy, Lee and Colvin JJ; 2/05/2024)
eSafety Commissioner v X Corporation [2024] FCA 499 (Kennett J; 14/05/2024)
Environment Council of Central Queensland Inc v Minister for the Environment and Water [2024] FCAFC 56 (Mortimer CJ, Colvin and Horan JJ; 16/05/2024)
BLG19 v MICMSMA [2024] FCA 506 (Goodman J; 16/05/2024)
University of Sydney v National Tertiary Education Industry Union [2024] FCAFC 57 (Perram, Lee and Kennett JJ; 17/05/2024)
Tonakie v Director of Professional Services Review [2024] FCAFC 60 (Charlesworth, Thawley and Jackson JJ; 24/05/2024)
Korat v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 59 (Rangiah, Thawley and Shariff JJ; 24/05/2024)
Obinwa v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 63 (Murphy, Anderson and Kennett JJ; 28/05/2024)
April 2024
Helensburgh Coal Pty Ltd v Bartley [2024] FCAFC 45 (Katzmann, Snaden and Raper JJ; 5/04/2024)
Tigers Realm Coal Ltd v Commonwealth [2024] FCA 340 (Kennett J; 9/04/2024)
Gomeroi People v Santos NSW Pty Ltd (No 2) [2024] FCAFC 49 (Mortimer CJ, Rangiah and O'Bryan JJ; 12/04/2024)
Selkirk v Wyatt [2024] FCAFC 48 (Besanko, Anderson and O'Sullivan JJ; 15/04/2024)
Director of Biosecurity v Chi [2024] FCA 388 (McElwaine J; 19/04/2024)
Hot Wok Food Makers Pty Ltd v United Workers Union (No 3) [2024] FCAFC 51 (Collier, Rangiah and Charlesworth JJ; 22/04/2024)
Azimitabar v Commonwealth [2024] FCAFC 52 (Rangiah, Anderson and Button JJ; 26/04/2024)
March 2024
Gomeroi People v Santos NSW Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 26 (Mortimer CJ, Rangiah and O'Bryan JJ; 6/03/2024)
DKY22 v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 24 (Sarah C Derrington, Goodman and Raper JJ; 7/03/2024)
Minerva Financial Group Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 28 (Besanko, Colvin and Hespe JJ; 8/03/2024)
Singapore Telecom Australia Investments Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 29 (Wigney, Banks-Smith and Colvin JJ; 8/03/2024)
MHA v BRO18 [2024] FCAFC 27 (Bromwich, Derrington and Snaden JJ; 8/03/2024)
Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd v FCT [2024] FCAFC 33 (Derrington, Downes and Hespe JJ; 15/03/2024)
Secretary, Department of Social Services v Vader [2024] FCAFC 37 (Perry, Charlesworth and Jackson JJ; 18/03/2024)
DXG17 v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 41 (Beach, Wheelahan and O'Bryan JJ; 21/03/2024)
February 2024
RB (Hygiene Home) Australia Pty Ltd v Henkel Australia Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 10 (Nicholas, Burley and Hespe JJ; 16/02/2024)
Ridge Estate Pty Ltd v Fairfield Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 17 (Banks-Smith, O'Sullivan and Feutrill JJ; 23/02/2024)
Redbubble Ltd v Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation (Australia) Pty Ltd [2024] FCAFC 15 (Perram, Nicholas, Burley, Rofe and Downes JJ; 23/02/2024)
Reid v MICMA [2024] FCAFC 16 (O'Bryan, Abraham and Shariff JJ; 29/02/2024)
J Hutchinson Pty Ltd v ACCC [2024] FCAFC 18 (Wigney, Bromwich and Anderson JJ; 29/02/2024)
December 2023
HBMH v Commonwealth [2023] FCA 1527 (Jackson J; 4/12/2023)
October 2023
Russell v Australian Broadcasting Corporation (No 3) [2023] FCA 1223 (Lee J; 16/10/2023)
Scarati v Republic of Italy [2023] FCA 1264 (Thomas J; 20/10/2023)
August 2023
AHG WA (2015) Pty Ltd v Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd [2023] FCA 1022 (Beach J; 30/8/2023)