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Westlaw Australia Tip - Benefits of Reading Mode

Turning on Reading Mode for Commentaries and Laws of Australia allows for continuous scrolling through a publication. Reading Mode synchronises the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen and...

Secondary Sources

Westlaw AU Tip - How to link to a case

Link Builder facilitates deep linking to cases, as well as other Westlaw AU content types, practice areas, chapters, sections, and documents.

Case Law,

Does Practical Law Australia offer document automation?

Yes. A selection of our most popular standard documents (including Powers of Attorney, deeds, forms and agreements) are available as Practical Law Automated Documents, powered by Contract Express. Users have the option to automate the completion of...

Getting Started

Does Practical Law Australia include cases and legislation?

Practical Law Australia's resources contain references to case law and legislation when relevant. These are linked for your convenience, and the case or legislative provision will open on screen for you to view. You can use the standard Practical Law...

Case Law,

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