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XYZ Generator -Module 4 - Next Steps (4:54)

This video demonstrates how to add, amend and roll over data.

Toolkits & Calculators
XYZ Generator - Module 3 - Formatting (6:31)

In this video, learn how to edit, format and save your financial report.

Toolkits & Calculators
XYZ Generator - Module 2 - Mapping (3:40)

In this video, learn how to upload and map your trial balance.

Toolkits & Calculators
XYZ Generator - Module 1 - Getting Started (3:44)

This video provides an overview of Generator’s key features and demonstrates how to access and download the Generator.

Toolkits & Calculators
Introduction to the XYZ Generator (0:57)

This brief video provides an overview of the content covered in the XYZ Generator training modules: Module 1: Getting Started, Module 2: Mapping, Module 3: Formatting & Module 4: Next Steps.

Toolkits & Calculators

Updates to The Laws of Australia

Content updates

The following Subtitles are now updated and available on Westlaw:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 1.5 “Criminal Justice Issues”; Administrative Law 2.2 “Delegated Legislation”; Criminal Offences 10.5 “Interference with Property”; Criminal Offences 10.12 “Terrorism...

Date & Time

Journal Updates

Content updates

   Journals Talk

The following Journal update articles were posted originally in Journals Talk.

Date & Time