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Westlaw Australia Guide - History

History displays a list of all searches run and documents viewed.

  1. Select History on the homepage and click View All.

Note: The search strings will include any filters applied and any "search within results".

  1. The history page shows your full history with various ways to filter and share the information:
  1. By default, the last 30 days is displayed, however history is kept for 12 months.
    Use the date filter to change the date displayed.
  2. Enter a keyword to narrow your search results.
  3. Filter results by client ID.
  4. Filter to documents viewed, searches run, KeyCite, or related information.
  5. Download, print or email your history.
  1. When you sign out of Westlaw, you also have the option to print the details of your session’s history.

Note: You can change your User Preference to set this to occur automatically.


Westlaw Australia Guide - Contact groups

Create contact groups to easily send resources to a group of people within Westlaw (Australia).

Create a contact group

Contact groups can be used to send: alerts, newsletters, reports, and share folders.

  1. To create a contact group, click the User Preferences icon in the top menu.
  2. Select Contacts from the menu.
  1. In the pop-up window, select the Add Group button in the top-right.
  1. On the left-hand side, filter your organisation's contacts by name.
  2. Click the person's name to add to the right-hand side.
    Use the information icon to see more details about the contact.
  3. On the right-hand side, add a name for your group.
  4. Tick the checkbox to make the group available to others in your organisation, if you prefer.
  5. When all contacts are added, click Save Group.
  1. Your new group will show on the right-hand side of the Contacts pop-up box.
    You can view members, edit, or delete the group with the options on the right-hand side.
  2. When you are finished, click Close.

You can now send Westlaw resources to this group of people.

Create a Custom Page contact group

  1. To share your Custom Page with a group, select the Manage Page button and click Send Copy in the menu.
  1. In the top-right of the pop-up box, select Custom Pages Contacts.
  1. On the right-hand side, select the Add Group button.
  1. In the People pane on the left, filter for people by typing in the search field.
  2. Add them to the group by selecting their name; their name will appear in the Group Members box on the right-hand pane.
  3. In the New Group pane on the right, add a name for your group.
  4. Click Save Group.
  1. Your new group will show in the Contacts pop-up box. You can view members, edit, or delete the group with the options on the right-hand side.
  2. To send the Custom Page to the group, select the group name from the Groups panel on the right.
  3. The group name will appear in the panel.
  4. Select Insert Contacts to continue and send your Custom Page.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Create and access folders

Organise and manage your research by storing documents and snippets of text in folders that are easily accessible from anywhere on Westlaw (Australia).

Documents that you add to your folders are saved on Westlaw for as long as you choose.

Access Folders

  1. Folders can be accessed by clicking Folders in the top menu. You can also click the Folders tab in the middle of the screen.  
  2. Select View this folder to display all content in saved in a particular folder.

Create a folder from the Folders page

  1. Access Folders from the top menu.
  2. Select New in the left-hand panel to create a new folder
  3. Enter a name for the folder, select a location, and click OK.

Create a folder from a document or search results list

  1. Select the Save to Folder icon.
  2. In the pop-up window, click New Folder.
  3. Enter a name for the new folder, select a location, and click OK.

Save documents from search results into a folder

  1. Select the check boxes next to the documents you want to save.
  2. Click the Save to Folder icon.
  3. Select the folder you want to save the documents and click Save.
    A confirmation message will display on the screen.

Save the document you are viewing

  1. From within the document, click the Save to Folder icon. 
  2. Select the folder in which you want to save the documents and click Save.
    A confirmation message is displayed. 

Save selected text

A snippet is a section of text which may include a quote, legal principal and/or relevant text. Snippets are saved to a folder and when you click on a saved snippet it will take you directly to that section of the document referenced.  

  1. To save selected text (snippets) into a folder, highlight the text you want to save by clicking and dragging with your cursor.
  2. Choose Save to Folder from the pop-up menu.
  3. Select the folder into which you want to save the documents.

View saved documents and text

  1. To view the documents or text saved in your folders, click Folders from the top menu and then click View All.
  2. Click the folder containing the items you want to view.
  3. A list of your saved documents and text is displayed in the right column.
  4. To email, print, or download documents, tick the checkbox beside the item(s) name, and click the delivery tools icon to choose your preferred delivery method.

Westlaw Australia Guide - How to find cases which cite a section of legislation

The advanced search template can help you quickly build precise queries, making it easy to search for legislation cited within cases.

  1. From the homepage, navigate to the cases advanced search template by selecting Cases, and then Advanced under the global search bar.
  1. Enter the name of the Act into the Legislation Cited (Title) field, e.g., "Fair Work Act 2009"
  2. In the Legislation Cited (Provision) field, you can add the section or subsection of the Act, e.g., 341(1), and click Search.

Note: Your search will appear as an advanced search in the global search bar.

  1. The search results will display with the legislation and section highlighted in yellow.

Westlaw Australia Guide - How to find cases on a point of law using the Key Number System

The  Key Number System identifies and indexes legal concepts so you can find cases stating or applying a legal concept.

Browse the Key Number System

  1. Access the Key Number System by clicking Browse by Topic under the Key Number System on the homepage.
  1. Select a key number to browse and locate cases on a relevant topic, e.g., 28 Employment Law.

  1. A list of sub-topics and their key numbers will be displayed.
    Click a key number to view relevant cases on that topic, e.g., Remuneration > When payable.
  1. Click the case title to view the judgment.

Search the Key Number System

Use the title search bar to search for classifications relevant to your issue.

  1. Enter your search term into the Title Search bar and click Search, e.g., discrimination.
  1. A list of the relevant topics and key numbers will be displayed.
  1. Select the tick boxes next to the key numbers relevant to your research issue.
  2. Click View Cases.
  1. The cases relevant to the selected key numbers will be displayed.
  2. The number to the right of the key classification shows how many cases are listed.
  3. To narrow your results, you can filter by key number, jurisdiction, or date.
  1. Use the plus (+) symbols to expand and select the required jurisdiction.
  2. Select from the last 6 months, 12 months, 3 years, or enter a specific date or date range.

Westlaw Australia Guide - How to search and browse books

This guide shows you how to search and browse books on Westlaw. Books are law textbooks available in edition format (that is they are published yearly) and the extensive collection on Westlaw is used by practitioners, the bar and students. These books are also available in hardcopy.

  1. Browse the collection of books by clicking Books under Secondary Sources.
  1. Books are displayed alphabetically.
  1.  Click on Product Scope to obtain further information about each title.
  1. You can also click on the library scope information to understand the key features within this page which includes filtering by Topic, Jurisdiction, Subscription or Favourites.


  1. Once you are in a Book, you can browse by clicking on the + symbol to open up the documents within a chapter, this includes the index.
  1. To search the full text of the entire Books collection type your terms directly into the global search bar.

  1. Searches can also be run with or without publication filters or by selecting specific publications using the checkboxes, i.e., a Topic filter.
  1. Books can also be searched using the Advanced Search which contains more search fields.

Westlaw Australia Guide - How to find a case by Title or Party Name

The global search bar allows you to run different searches from a single location, including cases by title or party name.

  1. Begin by typing in the party name or names into the global search bar, e.g., Cadbury Schweppes v Darrell Lea Chocolate Shops.
  2. As you start typing the case name, relevant suggestions will appear in a drop-down list.
    Select the required case from the list by clicking the case title.
  1. The case document will be displayed.
  2. To see download the law report, click on the citation next to the word icon.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Workplace Complaints Tracker Analytics

Learn how to use Workplace Complaints Tracker Analytics to help you to advise clients on the costs, timing, and likely outcomes of their matter by understanding the most probable results from cases that have already taken place.


Westlaw Australia Guide - Custom Pages

Custom Pages can be created to easily search across several jurisdictions, practice areas, and/or databases.

Create a Custom Page 

  1. On the home page, scroll down to select the Custom Pages tab, and click Create Custom Page.
  2. Name your new page in the pop-up that appears and click Create Custom Page.
  1. Select the Manage Page button and select Add Content Section from the menu.
    Name the new content section, e.g., Employment & Human Rights, and click Save.
  1. In the new section, click the Add Content button.
  2. Add databases, jurisdictions, or practice areas by browsing or searching for matching content. 
  1. Once you find the content you want, check the box next to it to search all of the product's content.
  2. A blue link indicates content that you can drill down further into to select individual databases.
  3. Your selections will appear on the right side of the window.
    Check additional boxes to add more content to that section or click Save to save your selection.

Edit a Custom Page

  1. Click the Manage Page button in the upper right-hand corner and select Edit Page
  2. Use the Edit, Rename and Delete buttons to make your changes to sections. 
  3. Re-arrange sections by dragging and dropping them anywhere on the page. You can also drag and drop content links. 
  4. Click Save Changes once completed. 

Search using the Custom Page

Custom Pages will search all content selected on your page.

  1. Tick the boxes next to the content you wish to search, tick again to deselect content.
    Alternatively, use Select All and Clear All options.
  2. Type your query into the search box at the top of the page and click Search.
    Use Boolean Terms and Connectors or natural language to search.
  1. Your results will show in an overview page where you can choose to View All results within each section.

Make a Custom Page your start page

  1. To make a custom page become your home page, click Set as Start Page.

Note: You will need to log out of Westlaw and log in again for this to take effect.

How to share your Custom Page

  1. To share your Custom Page with other Westlaw users, click the Manage Page button and select Send Copy.
  1. To share with an individual person, type and select their name from the drop-down or enter their email address.
    If your colleague is outside your organisation, an invitation to accept the Custom Page will be sent.
    To send to a group of users, select Custom Pages Contacts.
  2. Once the email recipients have been added, select Continue.
  1. Ensure that the list of recipients is correct, then click Send.

Custom Page Tools

  1. Find a Citation – Search for a case by citation.
  2. Search KeyCite for a Citation – Search for a citation to find Negative Treatment via KeyCite.
  3. Alerts – See a list of the alerts you have created and their recent results.
  4. Folders – See the documents saved to your folders.
  5. Favourites – See a list of your favourites with the option to search them individually.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Cases document display

The following guide outlines the key features and aspects of a case document.

  1. Case Name or Title with the case information displayed such as court, date, and parallel citations.
  2. Functional tools and delivery options are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
Search document text for a term located in this document.
Copy Link or Copy Citation.
Show the KeyCite status for citations within the document.
Save content to Folders.
Annotate your documents with a document level note.
You can email, print or download results by clicking the relevant icon.
Create a KeyCite Alert to follow this case.
  1. KeyCite Flags alert you when a point of law in a document has been negatively discussed.
    The case title that has had the most significant impact on the case will be displayed.  
  2. The Westlaw version or unreported version can be downloaded as a word document.
    A list of Reported Judgments is also available under the heading Case Version.
  1. West Key Number Classifications outline key legal concepts or principles.
    West Key Number Classifications can be displayed in either a linear or tabular view by selecting the list or grid icons on the right-hand side.
  1. Case information such as party names and legal representatives are located further down in the Document tab. 
  1. The Negative Treatment tab displays negative direct litigation history and citing references for the case.
  1. The Negative Direct History displays the events or decisions that have negatively impacted the case you are viewing.
  2. The Negative Citing References are listed by most negative treatment, indicated by the bars in the Depth column.
  3. To view where the citing references discuss this case, set the display information to Most, and click on the highlighted hyperlink to read further.
  1. The History tab displays the direct history of the case and related references.
  1. These are listed in the left column.
  2. Direct history is also displayed graphically in the right column. The graphical display can be hidden by selecting hide.
    Use the – and + icons to zoom in and out.
  1. The Citing References tab displays a list of cases, administrative materials, secondary sources, briefs, and other court documents that cite the case.
  1. Sort the display of options by depth of treatment.
  2. Filter by content (e.g., cases or secondary sources), a specific treatment, court, title, citation or date.
  3. To view where the citing references discuss this case, set the display information to Most.
  4. Click on the highlighted hyperlink to read further.
  1. The Table of Authorities tab displays a list of cases determined as authoritative by the case.
  1. Sort the display by depth of treatment to see cases referenced most often.
  2. The table will display the depth, whether the case was quoted, and the page number(s).
  3. To view the case, click on the title to read further. Cases to be approached with caution are evidenced by red or yellow flags.