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Advanced Caselaw Research

30 minutes
By Caroline Chan

This session will explain how to use the Cases Advanced search template to find Cases by keywords as well as using the case search fields in the template. We recommend attending the Introduction to Caselaw Research webinar prior to attending this course. More dates

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Advanced Caselaw Research

30 minutes
By Caroline Chan

This session will explain how to use the Cases Advanced search template to find Cases by keywords as well as using the case search fields in the template. We recommend attending the Introduction to Caselaw Research webinar prior to attending this course. More dates

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Advanced Caselaw Research

30 minutes
By Jacqueline de Lacy

This session will explain how to use the Cases Advanced search template to find Cases by keywords as well as using the case search fields in the template. We recommend attending the Introduction to Caselaw Research webinar prior to attending this course. More dates

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