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Introduction to Caselaw

30 Minutes
By Caroline Chan

This session will focus on how to find cases by case titles and citations. The Global search bar will be used to run keyword searches using Boolean terms and connectors. The Key Number system will also be explained to find relevant cases on a legal topic. More dates

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Introduction to Caselaw

30 Minutes
By Caroline Chan

This session will focus on how to find cases by case titles and citations. The Global search bar will be used to run keyword searches using Boolean terms and connectors. The Key Number system will also be explained to find relevant cases on a legal topic. More dates

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Introduction to Caselaw

30 Minutes
By Jacqueline de Lacy

This session will focus on how to find cases by case titles and citations. The Global search bar will be used to run keyword searches using Boolean terms and connectors. The Key Number system will also be explained to find relevant cases on a legal topic. More dates

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Westlaw Precision Australia - KeyCite Cited With (2:57 min)

This video provides an overview of the KeyCite Cited With feature available in Westlaw Precision Australia.

Case Law

Westlaw Precision Australia - Quick Guide

This one-page guide provides best practice tips for working with AI-Assisted Research in Westlaw Precision Australia.
