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Robson’s Annotated Corporations Legislation - revised annotations to provisions on directors’ responsibilities and insolvent trading

Content updates

The August 2024 update of Robson’s Annotated Corporations Legislation features revisions to two vital parts of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Part 2D.1 in Chapter 2D defines the duties and powers of company officers and directors. Part 5.7B in Chapter 5 is the framework for...

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Latest Commonwealth Law Reports

Content updates

The below High Court of Australia decisions have been reported in the Commonwealth Law Reports, Volume 277, Part 1. Please follow the case title links to the CLR report on Westlaw Australia (subscriber access).

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Kick Start your CoCounsel Journey

30 minutes
By Eileen Bell

This 30-minute session will help jumpstart your CoCounsel Journey. You will learn best practice on how to prompt, overview of the skills used and useful tips and tricks to get the most value out of CoCounsel. More dates

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Kick Start your CoCounsel Journey

30 minutes
By Eileen Bell

This 30-minute session will help jumpstart your CoCounsel Journey. You will learn best practice on how to prompt, overview of the skills used and useful tips and tricks to get the most value out of CoCounsel. More dates

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Kick Start your CoCounsel Journey

30 minutes
By Eileen Bell

This 30-minute session will help jumpstart your CoCounsel Journey. You will learn best practice on how to prompt, overview of the skills used and useful tips and tricks to get the most value out of CoCounsel. More dates

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Kick Start your CoCounsel Journey

30 minutes
By Eileen Bell

This 30-minute session will help jumpstart your CoCounsel Journey. You will learn best practice on how to prompt, overview of the skills used and useful tips and tricks to get the most value out of CoCounsel. More dates

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Federal Court Reports publishes 300th volume

Content updates

In July 2024, the Federal Court Reports published its 300th volume of the authorised reports. To commemorate this milestone, the Honourable Chief Justice Mortimer of the Federal Court of Australia wrote a special foreword for Volume 300. Thomson Reuters wishes to thank the Judges and...

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Practical Law Australia - Getting Started Recorded Webinar (16.08 mins)

Watch our recorded webinar to learn how to navigate the homepage, browse and search for different types of resources. Discover personalisation and collaboration features such as favourites, folders...

Getting Started