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Westlaw Australia Guide - Share folders

Sharing your research with colleagues is an efficient method of working with others. Share your folders, sub-folders and associated items with others within and outside your organisation. 

  1. In the Folders menu on the left-hand panel, click the folder you want to share.
  2. Select the Share Folder icon.
  3. Enter the names, group, or email addresses manually or find in Contacts.
  4. Click Continue.

Note: If the folder has sub-folders you do not want to share, untick the ‘Apply to sub-folders’ check box.

  1. If an added email address is not in your contacts, you will receive a notice that they need to accept a sharing invitation before the folder can be shared.
    Add your email address and click Continue.
  1. Choose a role for the people you are sharing your folder with: 
  • Reviewer – View and download documents.
  • Contributor – Reviewer access, add/delete own documents, create sub-folders.
  • Owner – Contributor access, manage folder access, delete documents and folders.
  1. Delete people or groups from the list with the X next to their name.
  2. Once you have chosen the appropriate roles and the list is correct, click Share. 

Note: The Folder icon will update to indicate the folder has been shared.

Document Delivery: email, print or download folders 

  1. Select the appropriate folder in the left-hand Folders panel.
  2. Tick the check boxes next to the items you want to email, print, or download.
  3. Select the document delivery icon.
  4. Choose email, print, or download.
  • Email: add email addresses, choose what to deliver (Recipients tab), change the layout (Layout and Limits tab), and add references (Content to Append tab), then click Email.
  • Print: choose what to deliver (The Basics tab), change the layout (Layout and Limits tab), and add references (Content to Append tab), then click Print. 
  • Download: choose what to deliver, the format and as a single file or zipped folder (The Basics tab), change the layout (Layouts and Limits tab), and add references (Content to Append tab), then click Download.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Manage folders

Manage your folders, delete or restore items, and export folders.

Move or copy a folder 

  1. Select the folder you want to move or copy in the My Folders list on the left.
  2. Select Options and choose Move or Copy from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Move Folder or Copy Folder window will display where you can choose the folder to move or copy the folder.
  2. Click Move or Copy.
    A message will display stating that the folder has been moved or copied.

Rename a folder

  1. Select the folder in the My Folders list on the left.
  2. Click Options and select Rename from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Rename Folder window will display where you can change the folder's name.
  2. Click the Save button.

Delete an item in a folder 

You can delete folders with all contents and/or select individual items to delete. 

  1. Access the folder in the My Folders list on the left.
  2. To delete an item, tick the checkbox next to the item(s) names.
    You can select one at a time or choose to delete all by selecting the check box in the table header.
  3. Click the Delete icon on the top-right.

Note: Deleted items are moved to the Trash folder where you can reinstate or permanently delete.

Delete a folder

  1. Select the folder in the My Folders list.
  2. Click Options and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Delete Folder will be displayed; click OK to delete the folder.

Note: Your primary folder (i.e., [your name's] Research) cannot be deleted.

Restore an item from Trash

  1. To restore a folder and/or item back into My Folders, select the Trash icon on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Tick the checkbox beside the item(s) to restore.
  3. Click the Folder icon.
  4. Select the folder to return the content to. The selected item(s) will be restored to the new folder location.

Delete items from Trash folder

  1. To permanently delete a folder and/or item, select the Trash folder.
  2. Tick the checkbox beside the item(s) name. You can choose one or multiple items to move at one time.
  3. Click the Permanently Delete icon.
  4. Choose OK to permanently delete the items from the Trash.

Delete all items from the Trash folder

  1. To permanently delete all items in the Trash folder, select the Trash folder on the left-hand side.
  2. Click the Delete All icon.
  3. Choose OK to permanently delete everything in the Trash.

Export documents from a folder

  1. From the Folders menu, Select Options and choose Export from the menu.
  1. The Export window will display where you can choose the folder you want to export.
  2. Click Next.
  1. Choose your export options - folder contents, documents, or documents and your annotations; choose your format and single merged file or individual files in a zip folder; layout and style preferences; and KeyCite references to append.
  2. Click Export.
  1. In the Ready for Download window, click Download to export your folder.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Find and Print tool

Find & Print provides an efficient way to download, print, or email up to 100 full-text documents in Westlaw (Australia).

  1. On the Westlaw homepage, click the Tools tab, and Find & Print.
  1. Type or copy and paste your citations in the Enter Citations field. You can enter up to 100 citations separated by a semicolon or on individual lines.
  2. Under Result Options, select one or more check boxes to indicate the content you want delivered.
  1. Select the Full text documents check box to deliver the full text of your documents.
    You can also select Case opinion only to deliver case opinions without editorial enhancements and Statutory text only to deliver statutes without annotations.
  2. KeyCite: Select the List of all History Treatments check box to deliver KeyCite history for your documents.
    You can also select the Exclude Related Filings (for Cases) check box to exclude court documents (e.g., briefs and trial court documents) from the KeyCite history result, or select the List of all Negative Treatments check box to limit the KeyCite history results to show only negative history.
  3. Select the List of the first 500 Citing References check box to deliver KeyCite citing references for your documents, or check the box Exclude Pleadings, Briefs, and Other Documents.
  1. Under Delivery Options, select the destination you want your results sent.
  1. Email your results to an email address. Choose a document format (Word, WordPerfect, word processor (RTF), or PDF) from the drop-down menu. Type one or more email addresses in the To field. You can choose to deliver your documents as a single merged file or as a zip file with individual documents.
  2. Print the documents to your printer.
  3. Download results to a file. Choose a document format from the drop-down menu, and choose to deliver the documents as a single file or zip file.
  1. You will see a message stating the items are being prepared for download, print, or email. Keep using Westlaw by selecting the Minimise and Continue Researching button.
  2. When your items are ready, click the Download, Print, or Email button.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Boolean Terms and Connectors

A Boolean Terms and Connectors search allows you to create a query using keywords and connectors that specify the relationship between those words.

  1. When you type a query into the global search bar that contains a field restriction, proximity connector, or expander (+, %, !), your search will automatically process as a Boolean Terms and Connectors query.
    The default search term when you leave a space between words is an OR, which will expand your search results. 
  2. A list of the connectors and expanders can be found by selecting Search Tips from the homepage.
  1. A list of the Boolean terms, connectors and expanders will also be displayed on the right of the advanced search template.

Boolean Search Terms and Connectors

AND (&)

Results displayed will be documents where all those words exist, in any order, and not necessarily together, e.g., trade & mark & registration.


Or is the default search setting in Westlaw. The "or" operator is always processed before the others (even if it isn’t the first search operator you’ve entered), e.g., car or automobile or vehicle.

BUT NOT connector (%)

Westlaw excludes everything that follows the BUT NOT (%) connector in your search, e.g., taxation % income retrieves any document that contains the terms taxation but excludes documents where the term income also appears.

Root expander (!)

To search for words with multiple endings, use the root expander also known as, e.g., object! will retrieve object, objects, objected, objection, objecting.

Universal character (*)

To search for words with variable characters, use the universal character (*), e.g., withdr*w will retrieve both withdraw and withdrew.

Prefix to turn off plurals and equivalents (#)

To search for a word exactly as you typed it, use the hash symbol (#), e.g., #damage to retrieve damage but not damages.

Phrase (" ")

Phrase search terms appear in the exact order as in the quotation marks, and plurals will automatically also be found, e.g., "fiduciary duty" will also deliver fiduciary duties.

If you prefer to search only for the exact term you have entered, place a hash symbol at the beginning of the term, e.g., "fiduciary #duty" 

Grammatical connectors






In addition to choosing terms for your query, you must also choose proximity connectors to specify the relationships between your search terms.


/p the search terms must appear in the same paragraph, e.g., hearsay /p evidence.

+p the first search term must be found in the same paragraph in the order they are written, e.g., capital +p punishment.

/s the search terms must appear in the same sentence, e.g., design /s defect.

+s the first search term must precede the second term in the same sentence, e.g., capital +s gain.

Numerical connectors



/n the search terms must appear within n terms of each other, where n is a number from 1 to 255, e.g., drone /15 privacy finds drone within 15 words of privacy, in any order).

+n the first search term must precede the second term by n terms, where n is a number from 1 to 255, e.g., capital +3 punishment finds capital within 3 words of punishment, in the order they are written. 



Westlaw Australia Guide - User preferences

Your user preferences allow you to change options such as time zone, search results, and formatting for printed/downloaded/emailed documents. 

  1. At the top of the page, click the user icon.
  2. Select Preferences in the menu.


Update your time zone, preferred jurisdictions, and homepage content.

  1. Time zone – Change the time zone to your local GMT.
  2. Jurisdiction – Limit your search results to national and/or international jurisdictions.
  3. Edit home page – Choose to display or hide News headlines.


Change your search options, display, and sort order.

  1. Terms and Connectors search – choose to run searches with AND, OR, &, or "quotation marks" as advanced searches.
  2. Document display – show or hide highlighting of search terms in documents.
  3. Result list snippets – show more words before and after relevant highlighted search terms in the result list, e.g., an additional 20, 30, or 40 words on either side of your keywords.
  4. Default sort order – change the way different content types are sorted, e.g., Relevance, Date, Court, Table of Contents.


Set Westlaw to email your session history automatically.

  1. Tick the check box to automatically email your session summary when you sign out.
  2. Add multiple email addresses to send the history to others.
  3. Select the attachments’ format: Word, RTF, WordPerfect, or PDF.


Show or hide relevant features in your search results.

  1. Best portion – Find relevant sentences in your document based on search term density and frequency.
  2. Law summaries – See common legal questions as you type in the search bar and summaries or specific passages that relate to those questions above your results list.


Choose default delivery formatting, layout and style, and inclusions.

  1. Document format – RTF, Word, PDF, WordPerfect.
  2. Multiple documents – Single merged file, multiple files (zip folder).
  3. Dual column layout for cases – Display cases with a dual column layout.
  4. Footnotes – Inline or end of document.
  5. Link colour – Blue or black.
  6. Font size – Normal, large, and/or underlined.
  7. Inclusions:
  • Legislation text only for Legislation.
  • Only pages with terms.
  • Corresponding document with KeyCite lists.
  • Term highlighting.
  • KeyCite treatment – include negative treatments.
  • Original image and other version links – court-ready documents.
  • Expanded margin for notes.
  • Add a cover page to each request.
  • Headnotes.
    - Show full Key Number hierarchy



Choose whether to show or hide keyboard instructions. 

  • Show or hide keyboard instructions – These tell you how to navigate through Westlaw with your keyboard instead of your mouse.
    Keyboard instructions can be found by pressing the keyboard's Tab key through the homepage.


Westlaw Australia Guide - Copy with reference

Learn how to copy text with reference, including how to add a hyperlink to the direct document.

  1. Select a section of text you want to copy. 
  2. Choose Copy with Reference from the shortcut menu. A message will appear stating the Text is copied. You can then paste the text in your document. 

  1. To copy the URL of the case, use the link icon to Copy Citation
  2. Tick Add hyperlink to citation and Copy. You can then paste the linked citation in your document.

This is a sticky feature within Westlaw so you only need to select it once and your future copied citations and references will all include the hyperlink.


Westlaw Australia Guide - Annotate your documents

Personalise your research further and make it even more productive by annotating documents.

Highlighting and notes 

  1. When you select text in a document, a shortcut menu will appear.   
  2. You have the option to save the highlighted text to a folder. When you hover over Save to Folder, a selection of your folders will be displayed. Select a folder to save the highlighted text and document to a folder. 
  3. You can choose to highlight the text in a particular colour. 
  1. To delete a highlight, click on the highlighted text and select Delete Highlight. 
  1. When you print, download or email documents that have highlights, you can include these by selecting the Document and My Annotations option. 

Adding a note to a document 

Document-level notes display at the top of the page, rather than next to the text. These notes remain indefinitely or until you delete them. 

  1. From the document view page, click on the Add note icon from the tool bar and select Add document level note
  1. Write your note in the space provided in the Note box. The maximum number of characters is 3,000. 
  1. Edit a note or delete by clicking Edit.

Adding a note in-line with text 

  1. Highlight the text that you would like to add a note to.
  2. From the shortcut menu that appears, select Add Note.
  1. Write your note in the space provided in the Add Note box and click the Add Note button to save. The maximum number of characters is 3,000 (including spaces). 
  2. The text will be highlighted in the same colour as the note. 
  1. Edit the note by clicking the note and selecting Edit
  2. Delete a note by clicking Delete in the Edit box. 

Save a Snippet 

A snippet is a section of text which may include a quote, legal principal and/or relevant text. Snippets are saved to a folder and when you click on a saved snippet it will take you directly to that section of the document referenced. 

  1. Select a section of text you want to save. 
  2. To save the snippet to a folder that is already created, select the folder from the menu. 
  1. You will receive an alert on the page to state the snippet has been saved. 
  1. To save the snippet to a new folder, select View all Folders.
  1. Select New Folder.
  2. Name the folder and choose the folder’s location, then click OK
  3. Ensure the folder is in the correct location and click Save.
  1. You will then receive an alert on the page to state the selected text has been saved to the folder. 

Westlaw Australia Guide - Document Delivery

Document delivery tools allow you to email, print, or download search results and documents.

When viewing a document, your delivery options are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. 

You can email, print or download results by clicking the relevant option.


Email single or multiple documents. 

  1. Recipients enables you to specify information such as email addresses, subject line and format (so you could choose to send a PDF version, or just send a link to the document).
  1. Layout and Limits enables you to change footnotes from end of the document to inline, change the colour and style of links and font size, and include: term highlighting, original image and other version links, expanded margin, headnotes, the full Key Number hierarchy, and a cover page.
  1. Content to Append allows you to choose which KeyCite Lists to include in the download: the first 500 citing references, historical references, negative treatments, and the first 500 Table of Authorities references.


  1. The Basics allows you to choose a list of items or documents to download. You can choose the format (RTF, Word, WordPerfect, PDF) as a single merged file or as individual files in a zip folder.
  1. Layout and Limits enables you to change footnotes from end of the document to inline, change the colour and style of links and font size, and include: term highlighting, original image and other version links, expanded margin for notes, headnotes, the full Key Number hierarchy, and a cover page.
  1. Content to Append allows you to choose which KeyCite Lists to include in the download: the first 500 citing references, historical references, negative treatments, and the first 500 Table of Authorities references.


  1. The Basics allows you to choose a list of items or documents to download. You can choose the format (RTF, Word, WordPerfect, PDF) as a single merged file or as individual files in a zip folder.
  1. Layout and Limits enables you to change footnotes from end of the document to inline, change the colour and style of links and font size, and include: term highlighting, original image and other version links, expanded margin for notes, headnotes, the full Key Number hierarchy, and a cover page.

  1. Content to Append allows you to choose which KeyCite Lists to include in the download: the first 500 citing references, historical references, negative treatments, and the first 500 Table of Authorities references.

Westlaw Australia Guide - How to research a case by topic using Boolean Terms and Connectors

For complex or specific search queries, you may wish to run a search for by entering a query consisting of Boolean Terms and Connectors.

To find the list of Terms and Connectors you can use to search, select Search Tips beneath the global search bar.

Find a case using Boolean Terms and Connectors in the global search bar

  1. Use the global search bar to conduct your search, e.g., price /5 fix! telecommunication, and click Search.
    In this example we are searching for price within 5 words of fix and telecommunication.
    The exclamation mark allows more words to be retrieved, e.g., fixed, fixing, fixes, etc.
  2. The overview page displays all results with your search terms highlighted in yellow.
    Click on the highlighted words to open the document to that specific sentence.

Find a case using the Cases advanced search template

Advanced searching allows you to use field restrictions or use a template to create a Terms and Connectors search.

  1. From the homepage, navigate to the case law advanced search template by selecting Cases, and then Advanced under the global search bar.

  1. The Find documents that have section includes a set of fields that can be populated to build a search string, e.g.,

  • All of these terms: director
  • Any of these terms: liability duty
  • This exact phrase: false statement
  1. The results screen will list the cases relevant to your search.
  2. Filter using the panel on the left side of the screen.

Westlaw Australia Guide - How to find a case by citation

The global search bar at the top of every page allows you to run different types of searches from a single location.

Find an individual case by citation

  1. Enter the citation number into the global search bar, e.g., 2019 VSCA 251.
    As you begin typing, the type ahead feature will provide the case in the drop-down.
    Note: Westlaw will also accept parallel citations, e.g., 2000 60 ALD 788.
  2. Select the case in the drop-down to display the case.

Find multiple cases by citations

  1. Type the citations separated by semicolons into the global search bar, and click Search, e.g., 56 FCR 92; 2018 FCA 1701; 2012 QSC 329.
  2. Save your results to folders or email, print, or download by ticking the check boxes next to the titles and then selecting the document delivery icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Click on the PDF icon(s) to download the original judgment.
  4. Click on the case name to open the individual case.