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When I purchase content with PPV how long do I have access to this document?

If saved to a folder in Westlaw it can be accessed for 365 days.

If saved to an external drive, it can be accessed indefinitely.

If you chose neither of these options once you log out of a session with Westlaw the document will need to be repurchased.

Westlaw states a document is out of plan. How much does it cost to view?

Click here to view the current Australia pricing guide.

Connect 4 - Enhancements and changes 2019


The Connect 4 team continue to develop our databases and services and would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to a few recent developments that have taken place.

These changes may assist you in narrowing your search to find exactly what you are looking for, or...

Date & Time

Practical Law Banking and Finance – Priority, Subordination, and Intercreditor Documents

Content updates

Corporates love debt and often obtain loans from a mix of different banks and (especially in recent years) non-bank lenders. While levels of multiple lender loans fluctuate, anecdotal evidence (meaning the response we get when we ask our friends at law firms and at banks and non-bank...

Date & Time
Getting Started with Westlaw Australia (3:45 min)

This video provides a quick demonstration of the new Westlaw, including how to sign on, search, and navigate.

Getting Started

Westlaw Australia Guide - Creating a Newsroom publication alert for all articles in a newspaper issue

You can use Newsroom to create an alert which provides links to all articles in a newspaper or publication.


Westlaw Australia Guide - Share folders

Sharing your research with colleagues is an efficient method of working with others. Share your folders, sub-folders and associated items with others within and outside your organisation. 

  1. In the Folders menu on the left-hand panel, click the folder you want to share.
  2. Select the Share Folder icon.
  3. Enter the names, group, or email addresses manually or find in Contacts.
  4. Click Continue.

Note: If the folder has sub-folders you do not want to share, untick the ‘Apply to sub-folders’ check box.

  1. If an added email address is not in your contacts, you will receive a notice that they need to accept a sharing invitation before the folder can be shared.
    Add your email address and click Continue.
  1. Choose a role for the people you are sharing your folder with: 
  • Reviewer – View and download documents.
  • Contributor – Reviewer access, add/delete own documents, create sub-folders.
  • Owner – Contributor access, manage folder access, delete documents and folders.
  1. Delete people or groups from the list with the X next to their name.
  2. Once you have chosen the appropriate roles and the list is correct, click Share. 

Note: The Folder icon will update to indicate the folder has been shared.

Document Delivery: email, print or download folders 

  1. Select the appropriate folder in the left-hand Folders panel.
  2. Tick the check boxes next to the items you want to email, print, or download.
  3. Select the document delivery icon.
  4. Choose email, print, or download.
  • Email: add email addresses, choose what to deliver (Recipients tab), change the layout (Layout and Limits tab), and add references (Content to Append tab), then click Email.
  • Print: choose what to deliver (The Basics tab), change the layout (Layout and Limits tab), and add references (Content to Append tab), then click Print. 
  • Download: choose what to deliver, the format and as a single file or zipped folder (The Basics tab), change the layout (Layouts and Limits tab), and add references (Content to Append tab), then click Download.

Westlaw Australia Guide - Manage folders

Manage your folders, delete or restore items, and export folders.

Move or copy a folder 

  1. Select the folder you want to move or copy in the My Folders list on the left.
  2. Select Options and choose Move or Copy from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Move Folder or Copy Folder window will display where you can choose the folder to move or copy the folder.
  2. Click Move or Copy.
    A message will display stating that the folder has been moved or copied.

Rename a folder

  1. Select the folder in the My Folders list on the left.
  2. Click Options and select Rename from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Rename Folder window will display where you can change the folder's name.
  2. Click the Save button.

Delete an item in a folder 

You can delete folders with all contents and/or select individual items to delete. 

  1. Access the folder in the My Folders list on the left.
  2. To delete an item, tick the checkbox next to the item(s) names.
    You can select one at a time or choose to delete all by selecting the check box in the table header.
  3. Click the Delete icon on the top-right.

Note: Deleted items are moved to the Trash folder where you can reinstate or permanently delete.

Delete a folder

  1. Select the folder in the My Folders list.
  2. Click Options and select Delete from the drop-down menu.
  1. The Delete Folder will be displayed; click OK to delete the folder.

Note: Your primary folder (i.e., [your name's] Research) cannot be deleted.

Restore an item from Trash

  1. To restore a folder and/or item back into My Folders, select the Trash icon on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Tick the checkbox beside the item(s) to restore.
  3. Click the Folder icon.
  4. Select the folder to return the content to. The selected item(s) will be restored to the new folder location.

Delete items from Trash folder

  1. To permanently delete a folder and/or item, select the Trash folder.
  2. Tick the checkbox beside the item(s) name. You can choose one or multiple items to move at one time.
  3. Click the Permanently Delete icon.
  4. Choose OK to permanently delete the items from the Trash.

Delete all items from the Trash folder

  1. To permanently delete all items in the Trash folder, select the Trash folder on the left-hand side.
  2. Click the Delete All icon.
  3. Choose OK to permanently delete everything in the Trash.

Export documents from a folder

  1. From the Folders menu, Select Options and choose Export from the menu.
  1. The Export window will display where you can choose the folder you want to export.
  2. Click Next.
  1. Choose your export options - folder contents, documents, or documents and your annotations; choose your format and single merged file or individual files in a zip folder; layout and style preferences; and KeyCite references to append.
  2. Click Export.
  1. In the Ready for Download window, click Download to export your folder.