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ALPMA Summit

The 2017 ALPMA (The Australasian Legal Practice Management Association) Summit is the largest legal management conference and trade exhibition in the Southern Hemisphere where you can join more then 300 law firm leaders and managers from across Australasia for an action-packed...

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Chilli IQ Lawtech Summit

The Chilli IQ Lawtech Summit is one of Australia's leading events for legal technology which provides a networking platform for likeminded peers to come together to exchange ideas and keep up to date with the ever-changing technical, strategic & management issues required for Law...

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By Magda Michalowska

What safeguards are in place for fire suppression?

State-of-the-art early detection systems are in place above and below the raised flooring in our data centers.

  •     Gaseous fire suppression systems deploy below the raised flooring.
  •     A dry-pipe system serves as an ultimate fail-safe measure

What kind of power and cooling environment run the servers?

  • We employ an N+1 redundant design across our electrical and mechanical environments to ensure an uninterruptible power and cooling supply.
  • Utility power is delivered from two or more separate supplier substations.
  • Multiple cooling towers and air conditioning units provide uniform and redundant cooling distribution.
  • Multiple UPS systems and related battery strings provide at least 15 minutes of full-load coverage during any power fluctuations.
  • Multiple diesel generators and on-site fuel supplies ensure days of replacement power if utility feeds are lost.

What about the physical security of the servers?

Physical access to Thomson Reuters data centers is tightly controlled through multizoned, multilevel access controls and monitors. Our data centers employ a third-party security firm for 24/7 security monitoring and event analysis.

What does "online data storage" mean?

Thomson Reuters provides you with data storage on our secure servers while you create and revise documents on Firm Central as well as later when you save, reuse, and archive documents.

All interaction with Firm Central occurs inside secure hypertext transfer protocol sessions (https). This is the robust encryption and transport standard used by banks, brokerages, and other businesses for all Internet transactions.

What keeps my data safe?

Firm Central™ employs a proven combination of data security measures:

  • Data is encrypted on our systems both in transit and for storage with the same strong encryption protocols utilized by banks.
  • Data is stored in secure Thomson Reuters data centers located in the United Kingdom.
  • Data is backed up every night on our proprietary servers.
  • Continual monitoring by intrusion-detection and virus-protection software.
  • We tightly restrict employee access to customer-stored data, require appropriate security credentials, and closely monitor access.
  • Thomson Reuters global strategic data centers and their product delivery systems are certified against two industry-proven standards: ISO 9001 quality management standards and ISO 27001 information security management.