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Who can sign-up for live training?

Complimentary web-based training sessions are available for both company and law firm users.  Visit the Help site, within Tracker, to register.  Every Tracker page shows a help link in the upper right-hand corner.

What is Tracker Q&A?

Tracker’s embedded Q&A tool is available to company and law firm users to quickly and efficiently search the Tracker database for immediate answers to “how to” questions.  The Q&A provides answers to the most commonly asked questions.  Every Tracker page shows a help link in the upper right-hand corner.  Click the link to access the Q&A.

Legal Tracker Scheduled Maintenance

Legal Tracker is scheduled for maintenance on Sunday, 22 October 2017 from 2am-2pm AEDT for database maintenance.  Tracker will not be available during the maintenance window.  

Date & Time

Are there any limits on the number of search results and documents that can be delivered?


10,000 is the maximum number of results that can be displayed. You can Filter or Refine your search to reduce the results.

1000 is the number of results that can be downloaded at a time. 

500 is the number of full documents that can be downloaded from a results list at a time.

Can we pre-load Client ID’s for users to select from in a drop down instead of each user having to enter them in individually?

Client ID’s cannot be pre-loaded, but any client ID entered is saved and can be selected using a drop-down when singing on or when creating an alert. An ID only needs to be entered once. Admins will see all client ID’s used across the firm. 

You could log in and from the client ID drop down continue to change client Ids until you’ve added them all at once, then they would be stored for future use. 

Can you enter multiple sources into the NewsRoom advanced search form?

Yes, you can enter multiple sources with AND or OR operators.

How do we create integrated solutions like deep links into databases, documents, and search box's in intranets?

Select the Tools tab from the homepage and click Portal Manager. You can then select from Find & Print, Search, Content Links or Party Name. Note: You must have logged on with a Username and Password to access the Portal manager. If you are an IP user click here for a list of common deep links or contact your administrator.

How can resources be found by database name?

There are 3 different methods for locating a database.

  • Global Search - Go to homepage and type in the database name or identifier e.g. AMJUR or American Jurisprudence.
  • My Content - Go to homepage click the Tools tab then select My Content. Search or browse the list.
  • Browse - Go to homepage and select a tab or link. Continue browsing the pages to find a database.

Where can I find currency and coverage information for NewsRoom with Reuters content?

NewsRoom currency and coverage information can be found in two ways:

  1. By browsing to the source in Westlaw Classic and clicking on the scope I icon.
  2. By searching the NewsRoom Publication Directory.

Click here to link to the NewsRoom Publication Directory.

What is the maximum number of citations you can enter into the global search box?

The character limit is 600 characters which is likely to equate to around 20 citations. You can use the find and print function to retrieve up to 100 citations.