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Case law

15 December 2022 03:09PM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statutes Annotations: December 2022 update

New legislation information and case annotations have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on Tu'uta Katoa v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2022] HCA 28, under section 477A of the Migration Act 1958.

01 November 2022 02:46PM
Content updates

The importance of law reporting

A new briefing paper by the Australasian Council of Law Reporting and Queensland barrister John McKenna KC.

06 September 2022 09:25AM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statutes Annotations: September 2022 update

New legislation information, case annotations and article references have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on Ruddick v Commonwealth [2022] HCA 9, under sections 7 and 24 of the Constitution.

17 June 2022 10:39AM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statutes Annotations: June 2022 update

New legislation information, case annotations and article references have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on Hobart International Airport Pty Ltd v Clarence City Council (2022) 96 ALJR 234; [2022] HCA 5, under sections 75 and 76 of the Constitution.

26 April 2022 09:37AM
Content updates

Taking action against intrusive CCTVs in easement disputes

There are many disputes that neighbours have over easements. But, when it comes to protecting our rights to privacy in relation to that land, the law has been wanting, says barrister Sydney Jacobs.

22 March 2022 11:20AM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statutes Annotations: March 2022 update

New legislation information, case annotations and article references have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on Djokovic v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2022] FCAFC 3, under sections 116 and 133C of...

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