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07 December 2021 09:07AM
Content updates
Release updates

Practical Law: New derivatives resources published

Practical Law Banking and Finance has published a suite of new derivatives resources to help guide Australian entities through the negotiation of over-the-counter (OTC) derivative documentation.

06 December 2021 04:15PM
Content updates

New resources from Practical Law Commercial: Legal update: case report, Clearview AI privacy determination: Commissioner sends clear message on intrusive data scraping practices

A recent determination of the Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner (Commissioner) has found that Clearview AI interfered with the privacy of Australians by engaging in the practice of scraping images of individual’s faces from publicly available websites, such...

26 November 2021 04:36PM
Content updates

Commonwealth Statute Annotations: 90 new case notes

New annotations have been added to Commonwealth Statutes Annotations, including a note on LibertyWorks Inc v Commonwealth [2021] FCAFC 90, under s 60 of the Biosecurity Act 2015

24 November 2021 01:27PM
Content updates

New Practical Law Takeovers Content

Practical Law Corporate has published three new documents to its extensive suite of takeovers related documents.

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